Some Christmas songs make no sense to me. Take, for example, “White Christmas.” Who dreams of being trapped indoors by a bunch of heavy snow that requires back-breaking labor to remove? Then there’s “Winter Wonderland.” Nobody walks in a winter wonderland – they run as fast as they can to get out of the cold!
But then there’s the religious-themed songs people sing all the time. As a parent, I find “Little Drummer Boy” puzzling. Mary and Joseph finally get their fussy, tired baby Jesus asleep after all those hours traveling and the giving birth. Suddenly a little boy comes over and “RAT-A-TAT-TAT!” Jesus jumps and wails! Joseph now wants to put the sticks and the drummer boy through that drum!
But Christmas isn’t about the music. It’s not even really about the Nativity scene. It’s about what the Nativity portrays: giving and receiving of a great gift. God sent Jesus to become man so that he could pay for man’s sin. Three decades later, that baby willingly died on a tree, then rose three days later. He was the sacrifice. All who have faith in Jesus will be saved. Have you accepted that gift?
God gave Jesus to the world. Have you given Jesus to your neighbor? Your lost cousin? The cashier at the store? What about your coworkers? Have you given Jesus to others this year?
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
– Luke 2:10-11 (ESV)
Father’s gift of love come down
Sacrifice beyond all measure
Heavenly hosts proclaim this sound:
“Come and see the infant king, Bethlehem’s treasure!”
– from the song “Bethlehem’s Treasure” by Bob Fitts and Kelly Willard