Something to Consider about Children

Today I saw a picture of a friend holding his young baby, looking down in adoration and absolute love. This made me think about something.

Back in 2012, I was told about a move in the Southern Baptist Convention to reconcile, resolve, or somehow bring the Calvinists and Arminians (or any non-Calvinists) together. I find the discussion of the issues interesting, but I find the division some create through the “debate” to be unhealthy and, dare I say, unbiblical (and both sides are to blame).

Today I saw a picture of a friend holding his young baby, looking down in adoration and absolute love. This made me think about something. Next time someone causes unnecessary tension or creates a divide over the Calvinism debate, remind him–and yourself–about this:

  • When a Calvinist looks at his child, he must admit that his child may not be elect and thus will burn in hell.
  • When a non-Calvinist looks at his child, he must admit that his child may choose to reject Christ and thus will burn in hell.

The reality is, we only know three things for certain: (1) all those are a saved are part of the elect, (2) all those who have faith in Christ alone are saved, and (3) the only way people will accept Christ is if we tell them about Christ.

Therefore, next time you or someone else chooses division in the name of theological debate over Calvinism, think about your child or a child you know — then tell them about Jesus!

About John L. Rothra
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