4 Reasons Churches Must Grow their Online Ministry after COVID-19
Following COVID-19, churches shifted to online ministry. We must continue to grow our efforts to minister to our online as well as in-person congregations.
Following COVID-19, churches shifted to online ministry. We must continue to grow our efforts to minister to our online as well as in-person congregations.
Light helps us see where we’re going and keeps us safe. Jesus said Christians are the light of the world, but sometimes we dim that light or turn it off.
Three fans came together in respect and love despite the smack talk and having very different opinions regarding the teams we support.
Seeking first our own happiness can have detrimental consequences. Jesus set a better standard: selflessly serve one another out of love.
We need to look at ourselves and see who we really are. What do our actions say about our character? It’s time we underwent a character assessment.
Whether a single parent, business owner, YouTuber, or blue-collar laborer, each of us can have an impact on someone else’s life.
Many Christians spend years trying to determine what is God’s call for them. There are two ways to do this: sit and wait or start doing something.
I learned many things about ministry, pastoring, and church leadership having served ten years in the pastorate. I want to share some of them with you.
Over our history, Christians have done much to tear down the glorious house that Jesus established at Pentecost. We have much to rebuild.
Helping someone with depression can be difficult and frustrating. Don’t give up! Here are some tools to aid you as you help someone who is depressed.
Halfway through the 2018 season, the Buffalo Bills continued to struggle. Their struggle is an object lesson for the church.
Many churches are in need of church revitalization. These three questions will help any church begin the process of ministry and outreach self-evaluation.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
Schedule me to speak or to be a guest on your podcast or YouTube channel.
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