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Tag: trust

  • Don’t Give Up on God Quick View
    • Don’t Give Up on God Quick View
    • Don’t Give Up on God

    • $0.99
    • Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Psalm 42 On our journey with Jesus, times will come when we struggle between head knowledge and heart knowledge.  We often know something is true, but don't feel it's true.  We may know to trust God, but struggle to live it.  A lesson from Psalm 42.
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  • I Am Your God Quick View
    • I Am Your God Quick View
    • I Am Your God

    • $0.99
    • Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: 2 Chronicles 7:11-22 Solomon built God a temple. What God says about it, though, reveals more about our relationship with him than the temple itself. A lesson from 2 Chronicles 7.
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  • Who Do You Trust? Quick View
    • Who Do You Trust? Quick View
    • Who Do You Trust?

    • $0.99
    • Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Jeremiah 17:5-8 Trusting in man tends to lead to disappointment and hurt.  Trusting in God leads to hope, even in the darkest, dreariest of times.  A lesson from Jeremiah 17.
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