Christians: God’s Postal Workers

Similar to a postal worker delivering messages come rain, shine, sleet, or hail, so must Christians deliver and proclaim God's message to His creation.

God the Father sent Jesus, His only son to pay the price of sin in order that we do not need to pay that price ourselves. Scripture tells the punishment for sin, for our own sin, is death. Christ bore that punishment for us and rose three days later, granting eternal life.

It is God’s desire for that message to be spread throughout the world, beginning in our own homes and own communities. All Christians are called to deliver that message to the people of the world.

Similar to a postal worker delivering messages come rain, shine, sleet, or hail, so must Christians deliver and proclaim God’s message to His creation. We are God’s postal workers! Let’s make sure everyone gets the message of love, hope, and grace.

About John L. Rothra
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