4 Reasons Churches Must Grow their Online Ministry after COVID-19
Following COVID-19, churches shifted to online ministry. We must continue to grow our efforts to minister to our online as well as in-person congregations.
Following COVID-19, churches shifted to online ministry. We must continue to grow our efforts to minister to our online as well as in-person congregations.
I learned many things about ministry, pastoring, and church leadership having served ten years in the pastorate. I want to share some of them with you.
Over our history, Christians have done much to tear down the glorious house that Jesus established at Pentecost. We have much to rebuild.
Halfway through the 2018 season, the Buffalo Bills continued to struggle. Their struggle is an object lesson for the church.
Many churches are in need of church revitalization. These three questions will help any church begin the process of ministry and outreach self-evaluation.
Churches come in many sizes. Some ministers become well-known while many serve in obscurity with no platform or audience to share their much-needed wisdom.
This year I started reading more blogs on theology, evangelism, and church leadership. These are ones I’ve been reading or just started reading this year.
We are called to preach the gospel, yet not every sermon includes it. To help fix this, here are seven ways to share the gospel in any sermon.
Events in the SBC revealed that its time for Southern Baptists and all Christians to take a closer look out ourselves and let God bring us back to himself.
Whatever happened in the past, the future can be a more blessed time for your church. Here are seven ways to jump start your church’s ministry.
We’re living in a mobile world. As such, churches today should offer both mobile-friendly (responsive) websites and apps.
Cheers was a very popular sitcom in the 1980s. Here are five lessons today’s churches can learn from the classic television program.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
Schedule me to speak or to be a guest on your podcast or YouTube channel.
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