Can God Love Someone Like Me?

Can God love me? Can God love a person like that? The story and testimony of one heavy metal musician reminds us how great is our God's love.

Browsing through the iTunes store looking for music to purchase with the gift card I received for Christmas, I began reading about artists and albums. As I surfed the web, I ran across information about a musical performer that made me smile. I remembered an interview this artist did with a Christian music magazine back in the early to mid-90’s. Trying to look for that interview (or one like it) online, I landed on the artist’s Wikipedia page, which included a section about his Christian beliefs.

As I read the short section, I was a bit disappointed because of the incomplete information. It seemed to indicate that the performer, whose career is predominantly in secular bands, may not really be saved. However, the information included a link to a ministry website for a Protestant church. A smile came on my face when I looked at the church staff listing, especially the brief profile page for one particular staff member and ministry leader. I almost laughed when I saw the full body picture of the full staff. Knowing the musical style of this man’s career, seeing him in a polo shirt and khaki shorts struck me as a bit funny.

According to the church’s website, this music artist is the worship team leader for one of the church’s outreach ministries. Praise God! The name of the worship leader:

David Ellefson. The same David Ellefson who was a founding member of Megadeth and rejoined his bandmates last year (2010). Here are the links to the church’s staff page and David’s bio page:

Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church Staff Page
David Ellefson, MEGA Life Ministry Worship Team Leader

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that a person who performs heavy metal is a Christian. Dave Mustaine, Megadeth’s other founder and lead singer, is an outspoken believer in Jesus. Alice Cooper, the original shock-rocker and metal patriarch, also proclaims his faith in Christ. Former Korn guitarist, Brian “Head” Welch also accepted Christ as his savior.

God loves people; God loves individuals. God loves you. You may think you’ve been too sinful or done too many bad things for God to love you, yet his love for you remains. If God can love and save men like David and Brian, who were hooked on drugs, alcohol, and who knows what else, then God can love and save you.

Jesus’ blood can cover any sin. No matter what you did, no matter where you’ve been, Jesus loves you. He wants you to come to him today. Do you realize that you need God? Do you feel the Spirit tugging at your heart? Do you know—do you believe—that Jesus can and wants to forgive you? Call on Jesus today! Ask Christ to come into your heart, to free you from the sin you’re addicted to, whatever that sin may be. Confess your sins to him, ask for his forgiveness, and he will forgive you.

If you confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that he rose from the dead, then you are saved (Rom 10:9-10, 13).

About John L. Rothra
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